Small stream fly-fish clinic

A small-stream fly fishing clinic in the Cradle of Humankind facilitated by an expert guide.
Small Stream Fly fishing – the epitomy of micro fly fishing
SFA has three venues that we can offer the small stream enthusiast wanting to fish for large & small scale yellow fish and carp. Magalies Barbus Haven - ±5km of fishable river. 26 degrees South hotel (Blaauwbank River) and the Crocodile river at Cradle Moon (Formerly known as “Heia safari Ranch’’).
The fishing:
Wayne Sinclair and SFA guides have spent the last 10 years refining small stream techniques and guiding clients on rivers in the Cradle and Magaliesburg. Most guests visit these establishments in search of the large scale Yellow fish and more importantly, Small Scale Yellow fish. Not only are these two of the species that make up part of the 9x9 fly-fishing challenge, but are also an enviable quarry found in a small river system, which provides challenging and exciting fishing for fly-fishing enthusiasts.
The fishing controls require the following:
Strictly fly-fishing
Maximum of 4 fly-fishers per day at any one venue
Only catch and release with Barbless Hooks
Soft mesh landing nets & Wetting hands before handling fish
Fly-fishing guiding:
Because of the specialized nature of the fly-fishing on these environs (small stream techniques) we offer a service for guests that ensures that they expand their knowledge as well as increasing the enjoyment of their fishing experience.
It is important that fly fishers adapt to the micro-river environment and the flies to the type of food sources that the fish are feeding on. (Forms part of introductory skills covered in small stream fly-fishing clinics). Rates and dates available on request.
Small Stream tactics:
This style of fly-fishing requires skills and tactics that differ to those used in still water venues.
Due to the micro- river environment, techniques are restricted to mainly short casts:
Roll-cast , Bow and arrow casts & Steeple casts
Normal fly-fishing casts should be kept short and restricted to one false cast before presentation of the fly.
The main technique once the presentation of the fly has been made is UPSTREAM NYMPHING, utilizing the DEAD DRIFT technique. The fly, which imitates the fly food source, needs to move naturally in the current in order to convince the fish. Crystal clear water at some of the venues provides opportunity to sight fish.
River flow Rate and Water Temperature:
The flow does not fluctuate significantly between summer and winter. The main cause of the river flow increase, is rainfall (only affecting the flow for up to 24 hours after the rain has stopped).
As the rivers are spring fed, the temperature of the water stays constant throughout the year. The main exception where the temperature may decrease is after rainfall. This is a real asset for the fly fisherman targeting yellow fish as the fish are not affected by temperature fluctuations that would normally occur on larger water systems.
Stream rod (1-3 weight & 7-7,6ft)
Ultra-light reel with floating line to match the rod weight
Polaroid sunglasses
Non slip shoes that may be used for wading
Terms and Conditions:
Prices available on request. Advance booking for guiding is essential for day visitors through Sundowners Flyfishing Adventures
Prices available on request
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